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Services for International Clients
German lawyer Trade mark protection

Services for english speaking clients German lawyer for intellectual property - What we do for you

Intellectual, industrial and virtual property has become one of the most important factors in the global economy of today. The times when a brilliant business idea, a new product or an innovative new internet service was a fundamental base for the success of a company are over. Today professional copy cats quickly copy new ideas, products and services and oftentimes many years of work become worthless within a few days.

Safeguard your intellectual property in Germany and Europe

Our International Intellectual Property Project shows the way to safeguard your intellectual, industrial and virtual property. How does that work and what does a lawyer do beside writting lots of letters?

Here is our answer:

Trade mark strategy and trade mark collision control in Germany

  • We represent you before the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, the European Union Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market for Trade Marks and Designs (OAMI) and the World Intelectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • We represent you before the german courts to ensure and safeguard your intellectual property
  • We build up a trade mark strategy for your company and take care of all necessary trade mark applications in Germany, the European Union and many other countries
  • We supervise your trade marks and safeguard them against other marks (collision control monitoring)
  • We enforce your rights against competitors by sending a cease-and-desist warning to the competitor and take legal action with a Preliminary Injunction if the competitor refuses to stop his illegal action
  • We defend your rights when a third party sends you a Preliminary Injunction and advice you how to annul them if necessary
  • We represent you and negotiate with a third party for you when it is advisable to do so

Please contact us for more information, our lawyers speak english.

Terhaag & Partner Attorneys
Grabenstraße 5, 40213 Duesseldorf

Tel. +49-211-16 888 600
Fax +49-211-16 888 601


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Michael Terhaag | Christian Schwarz

Influencer-Marketing - Rechtshandbuch

2. Auflage – vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert

Praxisnaher Überblick zu rechtlichen Fragestellungen im Influencer-Marketing,  u.a. im Werbe-, Wettbewerbs-, Urheber-, Marken- und Persönlichkeitsrecht; inklusive Muster zur Vertragsgestaltung.