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Services for International Clients
Trade Marks - International Intellectual Property

International Intellectual Property - Trade Mark service for english speaking clients

Trade Marks are the landmarks of today´s global economy. We advice you on all matters concerning trade marks and represent you in trade mark cases. Germany and the European Union have installed an effective legal system to protect your trade marks and we represent a large number of brand owners to enforce their rights.

Trade mark application in Germany and Europe

Trade marks can be words (e.g. your company and product names), pictures, logi, sounds, slogans, jingles, 3-D-objects and even tastes. Your creativity is unlimited and our trade mark lawyers have extensive experience in all legal matters concerning the protection of your creativity. We act for a wide range of national and international brand owners including internet services, software companies, domain services, health care, engineering, IT, clothing, sports, cosmetics.

German lawyer for German Patent and Trade Mark Office, WIPO and OAMI

We are experienced in national and international trade mark registration processes and represent you before the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, WIPO and OAMI. In Germany we enforce your trade mark rights with a cease-and-desist warning and Preliminary Injunction. We take care of all formalities and advise you on the classification of your products and services.

European and international trade marks

We assist you in developing your trade mark strategy and advise you about the whole legal spectrum from national to european and international trade marks, the Madrid protocoll and agreements, trade mark transactions, licensing and the enforcement of your trade mark rights.

Please contact us for more information:

Terhaag & Partner Attorneys
Grabenstraße 5, 40213 Duesseldorf

Tel. +49-211-16 888 600
Fax +49-211-16 888 601

Michael Terhaag | Christian Schwarz

Influencer-Marketing - Rechtshandbuch

2. Auflage – vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert

Praxisnaher Überblick zu rechtlichen Fragestellungen im Influencer-Marketing,  u.a. im Werbe-, Wettbewerbs-, Urheber-, Marken- und Persönlichkeitsrecht; inklusive Muster zur Vertragsgestaltung.